Dermaplane Facial

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive exfoliation technique that has gained popularity in the world of skincare. During a dermaplaning session, a sterile surgical scalpel is used to gently scrape away the top layer of dead skin cells, as well as fine vellus hair, commonly known as “peach fuzz.” This process leaves your skin looking smoother and more radiant.

Benefits of dermaplaning include:

  1. Enhanced Skin Smoothness: Effectively removes the layer of dead skin cells and fine facial hair, resulting in a noticeably smoother and softer complexion.
  2. Improved Product Absorption: With the outer layer of dead skin cells removed, skincare products can penetrate more effectively, allowing them to work their magic more efficiently.
  3. Reduced Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Dermaplaning can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making the skin appear more youthful.
  4. Even Skin Tone: By exfoliating the skin’s surface, dermaplaning can help diminish uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation, promoting a more even complexion.
  5. Minimized Pore Size: This treatment can help in minimizing the appearance of enlarged pores, leaving your skin looking refined.
  6. Safe and Painless: Dermaplaning is a safe and virtually painless procedure when performed by a trained professional, making it suitable for most skin types.
  7. Instant Gratification: Unlike some skincare treatments that may require downtime, dermaplaning provides immediate results, leaving your skin looking refreshed and glowing right after the session.

Joy+Honey is a certified in Dermaplaning by Dermaplane Pro.